iterative design and playtesting

SYS 270 - Games Studies

iterative design

Iterative Design
a design methodology based on a cyclic process of prototyping, testing, analyzing, and refining a product or process. Based on the results of testing the most recent iteration of a design, changes and refinements are made
wikipedia ]

iterative design

Iterative design is similar to scientific method:

  1. Make an observation ("My experience in playing/making games has shown me that certain types of mechanics are fun.")
  2. Make a hypothesis ("I think that this particular set of rules I am writing will make a fun game.")
  3. Create an experiment to prove or disprove the hypothesis ("Let's organize a playtest of this game and see if it is fun or not.")
  4. Perform the experiment ("Let's play!")
  5. Interpret the results of the experiment, forming a new set of observations. Go back to the first step.

iterative design

Iterative design is a necessary design strategy when designing a complex system that humans will interact with.

When applied properly, iterative design will ensure a product or process is the best solution possible.

When applied early, significant cost savings are possible (time, materials, people)

wikipedia ]

iterative design: benefits

wikipedia ]

iterative design: benefits

wikipedia ]


An original type, form, or instance that serves as a model on which later stages are based or judged.

[ American Heritage Dictionary ]



Prototyping has a dual focus

Know the why! Be able to support your design decisions with


For video games, implementing (programming) a prototype can be expensive and difficult to modify especially later in development. So, early prototyping is essential.

A few ways to prototype a video game (also applies to board game):


the process by which a game designer tests a new game for bugs and design flaws before bringing it to market.

Usability testing
a technique used in user-centered interaction design to evaluate a product by testing it on users
[ wikipedia: usability testing, playtest ]


Playtesting is very important to game development. You are not able to see the flaws in your own game. And yes, there are flaws in your game, no matter how much work you've done, or how much you tested it yourself, or how much you love the concept.



Playtest your game as soon as possible!

playtesting: how-to

playtesting: how-to

playtesting: how-to

playtesting: how-to

playtesting: how-to

playtesting: how-to

important notes

VALVe Playtester Survey

How to Playtest (Part 1) - Game Design Focus - RagnarRox
How to Playtest (Part 2) - Game Design Focus - RagnarRox