Anna Brandle - Going Home From The Hospital

Going home from the hospital is a big deal. Your mother is starting to tire of the yummy hospital food. There is the fact that your parents would really rather be at home. Then there is that thing about the insurance company saying that much as they would love to, they won't pay for another minute of hospital time. Your parents seems reluctant to pay for this themselves. So you have to leave all the nice nurses and go to this distant and unknown place called home.
Going home is a big event and can't be done just any old way. It involves lots of bundling up and a certain degree of fussing and cutification.
Layer two is almost completely on. This is a particularly good shot of the little pink acrylic wool bow that the nurses "glued on" with K-Y jelly. Christina isn't the only adult at the birthing center who is having fun dressing up babies.
Anna doesn't really have much of an opinion about the whole thing. If she had to choose a car bumper sticker right now, it would probably read "I would rather be sleeping".
Just see what a clean conscience will do for you! This kid can sleep through almost anything right now.
And she's into the baby tundra suit. Although this is unlikely to impress any Eskimos in the area, it is probably sufficient to ward off any immediate danger of hypothermia here in Indiana.
Oh-oh, kid. Don't look now, but I think that your mother enjoys dressing you up. You're in for a great number of years of getting pushed in and out of various pieces of clothing as part of her entertainment.
So, Anna, what do you think of your first car seat experience?
The last part of going home involves reversing the bundling. If we were singing a variant of the "twelve days of Christmas" (the "twelve steps of going home"?) it would be something like: "stop goes the car, out comes the car seat, out comes the baby, out comes the baby, out comes the baby -- oops, she needs at least two layers of clothing in the house -- back in goes the baby, and Anna is safely home."


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